About "Grows-A-Lot" program


AgLanta "Grows-A-Lot" is a City of Atlanta program that invites entrepreneurs, non-profits, and residents to apply for a 5-year renewable license to adopt a vacant, city-owned property to start a new urban garden or urban farm in AgLanta. The program was launched to help reach Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms goal: ensuring that 75% of Atlanta residents are within a half-mile of healthy food by 2020 and develop a resilient food system by 2025. 

The AgLanta Grows-A-Lot  Adoption Process form explains the five-step application process, applicant requirements, and the application review process. Applicants that identify a property of interest, available for adoption on the AgLanta Grows-A-Lot Map, are invited to review the adoption process for either  the urban garden or urban farm track. If the applicant decides to move forward with adopting a pilot  Grows-A-Lot property, please complete the first step: submitting the online "Aglanta Grows-A-Lot Site Inquiry" form at the bottom of this page.  

Please review the property's location, permitted urban agriculture uses, applicant threshold requirements for an urban garden or urban farm, associated costs and deadlines. 

  •  If none of the pilot properties are not a good fit for your urban agriculture project, we encourage you to join an existing urban garden or farm in Aglanta, or check back in for new properties in the future.
  • If you identified a property that could be a good fit for your urban garden or urban farm please submit the online "AgLanta Grows-A-Lot Site Inquiry" form below.  

Step 1: Submit the "AgLanta Grows-A-Lot Site Inquiry" form below.

Contact Us

City of Atlanta's Mayor's Office of Resilience:  55 Trinity Ave. Suite 3450;  Atlanta, GA, 30303                                                   

Mario Cambardella; Urban Agriculture Director Mcambardella@atlantaGA.gov ; 404-355-1959

Elizabeth Beak; Sustainability/Food Planner ebeak@atlantaGa.gov ; 404-546-0164 or 843-901-3635