Check the UFFBM role(s) you/your team are applying to manage and maintain from 2021 - January 2022 (check all that apply). *CLICK GREEN BUTTON AT TOP OF THIS WEBPAGE TO REVIEW DECRIPTIONS OF ROLES ETC.
(*) =This position may become elevated to go across all City of Atlanta Urban Agriculture programs and activities.
Community Engagement
Permaculture Orchard & Herb
Applicant Name
Contact Information: Manager (Team Leader)
First Name
Last Name
501 (c) 3 Status/Tax ID
Year Established
Name : Organization Lead
Organization lead authorized to enter partnership agreement
First Name
Last Name
Name: Organizational Contact
(Contact City will work with throughout 2021 Partnership Agreement)
First Name
Last Name
Check each box below to confirm: (Applicants that meet 100% of the threshold requirements will proceed to the application review process)
Confirm you have a strong leadership team committed to managing, maintaining, and sustaining the UFFBM
Agree to uphold the Uphold the Community Vision Plan as the Guiding Document of UFFBM
Agree to abide by and be regulated by City of Atlanta codes and Department of Parks and Recreation rules and codes, permits, COVID, and other safety Guidelines
Agree to cultivate a culture of equity, inclusion, peace, and resolution at the UFFBM site, the neighborhood, and city. This includes upholding the City of Atlanta Urban Agriculture Code Of Conduct, Resolution Procedures (Informal and Formal) and participate in (1) additional training for 2021
Participate in bi-weekly UFFBM All-Team meetings.
Contribute to the AgLanta COLLECTIVE IMPACT REPORT & FRESH FOOD ACCESS REPORT which are facilitated by City of Atlanta Urban Agriculture Team
Coordinate media engagement by sharing all press & data requests with the City of Atlanta within forty-eight (48) hours of receipt
Adhere to Certified Naturally Grown standards (or similar), Bee City USA, and Mayor’s Monarch Pledge management practices & standards for all UFFBM agricultural maintenance and management techniques (ex. don’t use any synthetic herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, or genetically modified organisms), unless the City Urban Agriculture Team has granted permission for an expert to do otherwise in a unique circumstance.
Agree to complete the 2021 UFFBM Partnership Agreement within 45 calendar days of being selected as a UFFBM Team Partner
Agree to acquire general liability insurance ($1 million) within 45 calendar days of being selected as a UFFBM Team Partner (Can be secured independently, or at “no-cost” through Groundwork Atlanta, a City of Atlanta Urban Agriculture Partner organization.)
1) Why are you interested in becoming a UFFBM Partner Team?
2) What experience(s) do you have to help you perform the Team Partner role you’re applying for? Please share dates or time frame the experience(s) happened.
3) Have you participated in any educational/training programs that prepare you for the Team Partner role you are applying for? If yes, please explain.
4) Do you have any certifications, awards, qualifications, etc. in the Team Partner role you are applying for? Are you currently pursuing any? If yes, please explain.
5) Please submit any additional materials demonstrating your experience, skills, and qualifications below or email to AgLanta@AtlantaGA.GOV
1) Do you/your organization live, work, or own a business within zip codes 30315, 30354,30304 and/or NPU Y or Z?
If yes, please share zip code and/or NPU
If yes, please share experience location and date:
3) Does your leadership team include? (please check all that apply)
persons/individuals who identify as Black, Indigenous, Latino, or person of color?
persons/individuals who identify as women?
persons/individuals who identify as LGBTQIA?
If yes to any above, please explain here:
4) Does your organization include? (please check all that apply)
persons/individuals who identify as Black, Indigenous, Latino, or person of color?
persons/individuals who identify as women?
persons/individuals who identify as LGBTQIA?
If yes to any above, please explain here:
5) Do you/ your organization have experience maintaining and managing portions of the UFFBM site currently?
If yes, please explain:
SUMMARY OF APPLICATION FEES: Your team understands it is is responsible for raising any funds needed for your proposal.
Typing this name in means this team member has signed off on this form.
First Name
Last Name
Typing this name means this team member has signed off on 100% of the contents of this form.
First Name
Last Name
Date Team Members signed and submit this application.